Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Grass-Finishing Myths that Reduce Profitability

Note from Kathy: These are just three of the ten grass-finishing myths that will Greg will be covering in the Introductory/Overview session of the...

Greg Judy on Stockpiling to Extend Your Grazing Season

Last week we started a discussion about how to go about stockpiling in the coming months. This week we continue with some thoughts from...

Extend Your Grazing Season By Stockpiling Forage – Part 1

There are two different ways to feed your livestock with stockpiled forage over the winter. One way is to make hay or silage and...

Here’s What You Should Be Thinking About Now To Have a Great Grazing Season

It’s the first of June. Generally, by the first of June, most cool-season forages have peaked their growth and quite often have reached about...

How to Choose a Grass Variety That Works for You

They say variety is the spice of life. That's true, even when it comes to varieties of different forage grasses. Often, when we want...

Finding Credence in a Clearcut Revival – Converting a Dying Forest Into Grazing Land

In addition to being an article about forest conversion, this is also an example of looking at the resources we manage, paying attention to a site's potential, and considering what is best for our operations. We hope it inspires you to look around with new eyes.

A Start-Up Grazier Shares Lessons Learned

Welcome new On Pasture author Chad Fisher! This is a first in what will become a longer series describing challenges, solutions, resources and ideas...

Planning for a Stocker Operation – Homework To Do If You’re Considering This Option

Blake Allen follows up on his first article about switching to and running a stocker operation, going into more detail about considerations for folks...

This Farmer Finds Annual Pastures Are a Great Option for Soil and Animal Health

Tim Tobin started planting annuals for two reasons. First, he wanted to transition some crop fields to perennial pastures and annuals were a good...

How Many Acres Per Cow Do You Need?

This time of year, especially after you have shifted from grazing to fed feed such as hay or baleage, you might start wondering why...

Why I Made the Switch to Stockers – Profit and Flexibility

About three years ago, I decided I would try my hand at raising some purchased stocker calves. I had kept brood cows on several...

Flexibility Key to Grazing Through the Winter

Thanks to the Beef Cattle Research Council of Canada for this article. It includes a lot of examples of how one producer is solving...

Let’s Watch Grass Grow!

You know how we always tell you that leaving more leaves of grass results in quicker recovery, and quicker recovery means more forage for...

This Ranch’s Grazing Management Improves Soil and Vegetation

The Bench Ranch has been using intensive, rotational grazing for at least 35 years and they have seen a change that includes more grass, healthy soils, and double the stocking rate the ranch used to carry. We add ideas for how you can follow in the ranch's footsteps.

Outwintering Cattle With Stockpile and Bale Grazing

If you’re outwintering cattle, you have many options for providing the forage they need. In addition to grazing stockpiled pasture, I have tried bale...

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