Saturday, May 18, 2024

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Strategic Grazing Plans – The Steps to Meet Your Goals

You're a lot more likely to make better and more timely grazing decisions if you have a grazing plan in place for the upcoming season. Here's how to get started.

How to Prepare Your Animals to Work With You

As Temple Grandin notes, “Every time you are working your animals you are training them. You can train them to be easy to handle . . . or you can train them to be difficult.” Here's how to get the results you want.

Tips For A Drought-Ready Grazing Playbook

Even if you're not a football fan, you've probably heard that the Super Bowl is coming. Just like teams write playbooks to boost their chances of success, we can build a grazing playbook to help us deal successfully with the things that Mother Nature throws at us.

Knowing When to Keep Your Money In Your Pocket

After years spent going to conferences and workshops and working with farmers and ranchers all across the country, I noticed two things. First, while...

Stockmanship: An Essential Component of Sustainability

Stockmanship is a powerful, yet under-appreciated and under-utilized component of operating sustainable livestock operations. It requires no additional inputs, yet studies have shown that...

Flexibility = Profitability

Sometimes the way we think is what gets in the way of our being as successful as we can be.

Get Your Free Grassfed Gourmet Cookbook and the Secret to a Farmer’s Endurance

I slept in this morning. I allowed myself the indulgence of staying in bed until 5am because of the long day ahead. In addition...

Did You Know Your Herd Has Its Own Culture? Yep – And That’s Why They Eat What They Eat!

Your livestock can eat a lot more of what's in your pasture than you might think. The only thing that holds them back is their "culture" or what they've learned from their mom and herd mates. Here's the background and what you can do to make a difference.

Fencing How-Tos and Tips

When I started using electric fence back in 1997, I knew so little that I wasn't even sure which questions to ask. I remember...

Understanding Consequences to Change Animal Behavior

When someone asks you for help, do you prefer to be asked nicely and then be rewarded with a "thank you" or "nice job?"...

Farmers in Discussion Groups Generate Higher Profits

That's a headline from Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority in Ireland. Their analysis of the impact of farmers participating in discussion groups...

Eat Chocolate to Lose Weight

You know we at On Pasture love science, and we love chocolate too. Here the two meet in a story of why you need to beware of where your information comes from and why you should always ask questions. Don't be hoodwinked into eating more chocolate!

Are You Okay?

Mental illness is scary because it strikes at the very heart of who we think we are. When our bodies fail us, it's a...

How to Start a Movement

We're turning two! To celebrate, all month long we're sharing the On Pasture backstory, describing how we got to here, what we think is important about our work, and how we hope to contribute to our Community.

Where Are We Headed?

Victor ponders the changes in the beef industry since the 1930s and '40s and considers where we might be going next. Can increasing our productivity on pasture also give us more time to relax?

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