Thursday, May 16, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2013

Raw Milk to Help Grass Grow?

The idea is out there that raw milk is a great tool for improving pastures. But what we've found is that it's probably not going to make much of a difference.

Did the Beatles Write the Ultimate Farm Anthem?

Do you sing while you work?  I do.  When no one's around and something really great has happened, I even break into the Hallelujah...

Is It Time To Let The Cows Out?

It's the time of year when we're all chomping at the bit to head out to green pasture.  We can see the grass coming...

Putting Money Where the Birds Nest

How important, how valuable, is living in a community that strikes a better balance with Nature? And are communities willing to pay for the services that producers provide to meet that balance?

Livestock Exclusion 2: Following the water

In “Riparian Regulations Threaten Livestock” we describe how new riparian regulations were threatening livestock grazing in Maryland, providing an example from one grazier trying...

Habitat for Flying Humanity

Preparing for this year's bluebirds, Troy shares how birds benefit him, and the diversity of his farm benefits those that, through loss of habitat, are in danger of becoming homeless.

Behind the Scenes at a Local Butcher Shop

As we travel to ag conferences, one of the biggest concerns expressed by graziers is how to process meat on the hoof into meat...

Reading A Cow’s Mind As It Learns

If you watch your trainees closely, you'll be able to guess what they're learning and how you might change what you do to help them out.

Why Do We Do What We Do?

Why, as farmers and ranchers, do we do what we do? Is it really the money? Or is it because, every spring when the grass begins to grow, and the calves, lambs and kids start to drop, something in us stirs and that something can't be satisfied without being a part of all that new life, sunshine, and green grass?

Small Ruminants for Small Farms

Sandra Miller of Painted Hand Farm says of raising meat goats "It's a very satisfying lifestyle and that's why I do it."

How to Make a Million Dollars From Farming

We're just coming out of winter, when it seems like more money goes out than comes in. In fact, sometimes it might seem like a year-round issue. But given the chance, would you change what you do?

Cursed by the Ditch Witch

It has taken me an entire year to settle down after the ditch witch drove me to a major meltdown over the destruction of...

Maximizing Spring Green Up Without Destroying Summer Pastures

One of the toughest grazing management periods for livestock producers is spring green-up. It offers all kinds of challenging variables. It is hard to...

Did You See That Farming Ad During the Superbowl?

It's been 2 months since the Super Bowl and while some fans may still be celebrating or smarting from the results, we've already let...

How To Teach Livestock to Eat Weeds

You can turn your weeds into alfalfa quality forage by spending about 8 hours over 10 days training your livestock to eat them. Here are the basics on how it works.

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