Tuesday, July 16, 2024

cows eat weeds - search results

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In the Footsteps of a Winter Grazier

Taking a little extra time in pasture when we're moving livestock can tell us a lot about natural processes and even give us a some tips about how water retention and soil health are being affected by our management.

Overcoming Our Brush Prejudice

Here's a breakthrough  - Cows can do every bit as well on brush as goats.  Check out this article to see if maybe you can change your mind and start using brush as the great forage it can be.

Monkey Bread, Cricket Brownies, Fried Larvae and Horse Nettle = A Perfect Trip!

I spent the last week of September in  Louisiana.  Dr. Alan DeRamus of the University of Louisiana invited me there to talk to farmers about how...

Help Save This Ranching Family

At the end of the month, the National Park Service at Point Reyes National Seashore will close down Drakes Bay Oyster Farm which has...

Is Rancher’s Success Against Ragweed Really a Win?

Yes, you can use equipment, herbicides and fertilizers to reduce your weeds and increase your grasses in pasture. But is it really cost-effective? Just a thought - maybe if your livestock ate nutritious weeds, everyone's life would be easier.

Adapt or……

This issue of On Pasture is all about adapting: • Feeding stock through the winter can be hard and expensive. Setting up your grazing plan so...

Are You Over-Grazing: What’s in Your Plan?

These conversations between an Advisor and a couple of graziers are great for insights into what you might be getting right or wrong.

Feeding 9 Billion People High-Quality Protein

There are lots of folks worrying about this problem, wondering how agriculture today is going to be able to feed everyone in the future. The solution may not be the agriculture of today, but something much different and outside our box.

Mother Knows Best – Why Your Livestock Do What They Do

We are used to thinking about forage type, nutrition and quantity as we raise our animals, but we overlook what animals might be learning from Mom and herd mates. Since what a young animal learns about food has life-long consequences, knowing more about this process can help us be more successful managers.

Cow Farts and Burps – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Strange as it may seem, cattle producers, particularly dairy farmers, have been trying to reduce cow flatus and eructations (farts and burps) for decades...

Why is Barnyardgrass So Abundant in Many Hay Fields and Pastures This Year?

This year many farmers are wondering why barnyardgrass is present in unusual abundance in their hay fields and pastures.  This annual warm-season grass weed...

Paddock Grazing Periods – Setting Up an Intensive Grazing System That Works

Dave Scott of ATTRA-NCAT does another great job of outlining how to make intensive grazing work for you in just a few simple steps. Here he covers figuring out grazing periods so you get the most out of your pastures. Enjoy!


Troy has some great ideas and experience dealing with pesky knapweed. By the end of the article you might be thinking of it as an excellent forage too!

Radishes to Garnish Salads…or Pastures

Forage radishes are a great cover crop for soybeans and corn where they increase soil nitrogen and improve water retention. They could help pastures too. Here’s what some Vermont dairy farmers found.

Whitetop/Hoary Cress – Whatever You Call It, Livestock Love it!

There is a lot of this white-flowering, leafy plant growing along the side of the road near my house and every time I pass it I think, "Someone needs to get some livestock down here to take advantage of this great forage!" If you've got it, here's what you need to know about it.

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