"Residue" and "Residual" may sound similar, but they provide very different services for your pasture's health. Jim explains the difference with tips for what you should be paying attention to.
It's been a pretty mild winter for most of the U.S. and Canada. With that in mind, here are two perspectives on what's up with your pastures, and the management implications.
This story comes to us from the USDA Agriculture Research Service's AgResearch Magazine by ARS's Sandra Avant.
The economic impact of cattle fever ticks, including...
Improved forage crabgrass varieties are not weeds, but high-quality, high-producing forages that fit well from the Mid-Atlantic region through the Southeast. With good fertility...
For your herd, a high-forage diet can help your bottom line, but you should take care to use high-quality forage. Here's how to make a high-forage diet work for you.
In this excerpt from her book "Farms With A Future" Rebecca shares the story of a start-up farmer who created success by taking his product to the people.
Farmers and others interested in maintaining the working landscape need to plan carefully in order for farms to be successfully transferred. This is true...
For folks grazing rangelands in the west, a fire can mean that public land managers will require them to keep their livestock off the range for 2 years. But research that shows that's not necessary for healthy rangelands. Check it out!
Here's what lenders are looking for and what you can expect as you go through the process of borrowing money from a bank. It's good information even for those who've gotten loans in the past.
Did you know that if the price of Florida tomatoes drops on a certain day, as much as 120,000 pounds of tomatoes heading from Mexico to the United States might be thrown into landfills? Here's how that's being changed in one border town.