Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Some Dos and Don’ts of Setting Up a Grazing Operation

I want to discuss the steps that we focus on when designing a new grazing operation on a new farm, starting with this saying: ...

Production Systems for Pasture-Finished Beef – Part 1

As Greg Halich writes in his introduction to the Producer's Guide to Pasture-Based Beef Finishing, "Bringing animals to a finishing weight on pasture in...

Answers to Reader Alfalfa-Related Questions – Fall Nutrition, Varieties, and Reseeding

Here's an article answering alfalfa-related reader questions. The answers come to us from Genevieve Slocum and David Hunsberger of King's Agriseeds. Question: My cows and calves...

Can Cattle Help With Seeding?

Readers have asked if cattle can be used for seeding pastures, or if there are examples of others that have done this. This article...

Could This Winter Be as Wet as Last? Here’s How to Prepare

The Old Farmer's Almanac has released their forecast for this winter. “Mild, with soakers” is how Indiana is labeled. I don’t put a lot...

How Short and How Often Should You Graze Your Grass?

This comes to us from the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center of the USDA Agricultural Research Service. While their purpose was to provide information...

Reduce Your Feed Costs This Winter With These Tips for Extending Your Grazing Season

Winter feeding accounts for 40+% of the cost of producing a calf, so reducing or eliminating this bad habit can help keep your ranch...

Placing Cattle – The Art of Getting Cattle to Stay Put Without an Extra Fence

Thanks to Dawn Hnatow for co-authoring this article! Imagine how expedient it would be if we could drive our cattle to a particular place in...

Multi-Species Grazing Part 3 – Grass and Soil Management Principles

No matter what kind of stock you're grazing, these management principles apply.

Greg Judy IDs Grasses and Legumes in His Pastures

Folks like to know what I grow in my pastures - and it's what's in a lot of your pastures too. So here's a...

Greg Judy Talks Electric Fencing and Gates for Sheep and Cattle

While Greg designed these fences to keep goats, sheep and guardian dogs in, they work for his cattle too. See what he's using and consider how you'd adapt it to your operation.

Twelve Steps to Amazing Grazing – Part 2

This is Part 2 by Matt Poore and Johnny Rogers. Here's Part 1 if you missed it. These steps aren't just 1-2-3 and you're done....

Polioencephalomalacia – A Danger for Young Goats, Sheep and Cattle

In 2002, I was raising 60 baby goats by hand. We started them in a barn, and by Spring had transferred them to pasture...

Here’s How to Successfully Grow Grass

I took the time to walk through most of my pastures a few days ago. I recommend doing this fairly often to keep a...

Check Out the Programs That Helped This Start-Up Farmer Succeed

Whether you're a start-up, or you've been in the business awhile, here are some programs that provide assistance to get you going, or provide support for new projects, or to get through emergencies.

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