Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Custom Grazing: Why I Got In

Meg spent her first five start-up years as a custom grazier. Here she talks about the benefits to her and to the livestock owners and how custom grazing worked for her.

Improving Soil Means Adapting Ideas and Working With People

Today I have two videos for you from JP and Holly Heber who raise row crops and cattle in east-central South Dakota. They're talking...

Being a Successful Grazier is All About Creating Resilience

Some places are unusually wet and cool this spring. Others are hotter and drier than ever and looking at the possibility of extended drought. So what's a grazier to do? Rancher Gary Price says, “You just don’t know what’s around the next corner, so you have to prepare for the worst....Hope for the best of course, but you know, hope is not a plan.” Here's some help for your plan.

Schooley Ranch Conservation Planning Makes for the Cleanest Water in South Dakota

Last week Troy Bishopp wrote about some of his frustrations with riparian grazing management, wondering, "Can We Just Do The Right Thing?" Well, here's...

How Will the President’s Budget Proposal Affect Rural America?

Because your work and your success might be impacted by the federal budget, we asked Anna Johnson of the Center for Rural Affairs to...

A Farmer and a Farm Are Saved By Soil Health

Thanks to Ron Nichols of the Natural Resources Conservation Service for this article about a farmer so inspired by an NRCS Soil Health Meeting...

The Idea of a Stockshare – Managing Together for Better Pastures and Better Profits

This is the third in a series of articles looking at how ranchers in Texas might work together to manage a landscape as a...

Have You Checked Out the Conservation Stewardship Program?

Have you ever looked across your property and thought about some land management goals you would like to take to the next level? Have...

Shoulder Season Grazing Strategies

Use what you've got now to extend your grazing a little longer this season.

Does Grazing Sequester Carbon? Part 1

If you’ve heard that grazing is good for the planet because it can sequester more carbon in the soil, you’re not alone. The hypothesis...

Farmer to Save 1 Billion Gallons of Water a Year Thanks to a Conservation Partnership

Wolfe Family Farm and The Freshwater Trust are working together to transition nearly 1,100 acres of forage and grain crops from flood irrigation to...

Why Inoculate, Exactly?

That little packet of dark powder you are coerced into purchasing along with your clover seed can be mystifying. It only weighs a few...

Got Projects? Need Money? Maybe There’s Help

Are you looking around your farm or ranch this winter thinking about projects that need to be done to improve your operation? Are you...

Frost Seeding Now For a Better Pasture This Summer

Its a good time of year to get the seeds on the ground so they have enough time to get into the soil and won't be eaten by other critters.

Setting Up Fences and Water for Dairy Grazing – With a Little Help From Some Grants

In December we introduced you to Jonathan and Maryann Connor, owners of Providence Dairy in Addison, Vermont who are making the move to pasture-based...

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