Tuesday, July 16, 2024

fescue - search results

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A Visit With Greg and Jan Judy

I (Kathy) got to spend a couple days with Greg and Jan Judy at Green Pastures Farm last week. I had so much fun! I...

Intentional Management: Matching Needs With Resources

Thanks to Jonathan Rupert of Smith Seeds for this piece. A number of years ago, I had the privileged of visiting one of the many...

When Does Fertilizing Pasture Pay? – Part 2

Last week, Bruce Anderson shared information about break even points when it comes to spending money on nitrogen fertilizer for pastures. This week, we...

How to Establish and Manage Red Clover

With the discoveries that red clover can increase weight gain and prevent fescue toxicosis, we thought you'd like some info on how to add...

Scientist Finds Secret Ingredient in Red Clover That Increases Weight Gain in Ruminants

A team of researchers at the USDA Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) Forage-Animal Production Research Unit has found that an antimicrobial compound in red clover...

Dairies Share Successes With Extending the Grazing Season

This fall we held two pasture walks to explore what strategies two different dairies use to graze late into fall months. These events were...

Here’s How Seven Sons Farm Manages Pigs On Pasture

When managing pigs on pasture, Seven Sons Farm focuses on meeting the triple bottom line of health of the land, business and community. See how they achieve these goals.

Is Mob Grazing as Effective as We Thought?

At the American Forage and Grassland Council’s annual meeting in Roanoke, Virginia, this past January, I was asked to summarize and present the scientific...

Warm-Season Grasses That Handle Low pH Soils and Hot, Dry Conditions

Native, perennial warm-season grasses produce well compared to cool-season grasses during the hot and dry weather, on soils with low moisture holding capacity, low pH, and low phosphorus levels.

Start Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing

Tall fescue is great for stockpiling. Here's how much you need to lengthen your grazing season, along with tips on managing grazing now to get the most out of your winter pastures.

Dairy Cows Head to Pasture for the First Time on Providence Farm

Vermont's Providence Dairy is transitioning from a tie-stall barn to pasture-based dairying. Here are some of the challenges the Connors faced this first spring and how they've solved them.

Grazing Height Determines the Health of Your Forages

As livestock producers, you know very well how forages will impact the growth or productivity of your animals. However, we very seldom think of...

Runaway Grass – What Can You Do?

If you're looking out at pastures that are growing so fast you don't know how to keep up, here are some tips for managing your grazing so that you slow the speed that forage matures, and you maintain quality forage.

Seeing the Pasture for the Trees

Shade is a common concern. It imposes some limitations on growing a productive pasture, but working creatively to manage trees, grass, and animals in balance can yield unique rewards.

Autumn Olive – Friend or Foe?

Here's how Greg Judy manages Autumn Olive in his pastures to take advantage of it for nitrogen fixation and soil building as well as forage. Check the map in the article to see if it's in your area, and if not, consider these techniques for managing other brushy species.

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