Tuesday, July 16, 2024

fescue - search results

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Grass Tetany Prevention and Cures

Lush green grass can spell trouble for your livestock. Here's what to beware of and how to keep them safe.

The Silver Bullet of Parasite Control in Small Ruminants

Tired of battling parasites in your herd or flock? Here's what three experts found to be the best solution.

My First Wonderful Lease Part 2

In his book "No Risk Ranching" Greg Judy describes how he went from liquidating his cow herd and almost losing the family farm, to...

Beating Heavy Clay and Wet Soils

Here's a whole list of forage species that can help you manage this problem. Genevieve explains how they work for you.

Regulating the Sugar Intake of Horses on Pasture

Not long ago we got a question from a reader: "I am an equine conservationist in Maryland. I am working to promote rotational grazing...

Extending the Grazing Season With Bamboo

Cairncrest Farm in West Winfield, New York is experimenting with Bamboo as a forage to extend their grazing season. Here's the ins and outs of their field trial along with some video of cows grazing bamboo in a snowy pasture.

More Farmers Are Winter Grazing

This story comes to us from Civil Eats, a daily news source for critical thought about the American food system. In working on this...

Grazing Stockpiled Pasture How-Tos

Victor lives in Indiana where conditions are now perfect for grazing stockpiled pasture. No matter where you are, here are great tips for making...

Tips As You Prep for Winter Grazing and Feeding

It is the time of year to be thinking about winter or at least preparing for it. So what should we be thinking about?...

Taking Advantage of Plants’ Little Fungal Helpers

Thanks to Susan Fisk and the Soil Science Society of America for sharing this with On Pasture! In the Southern Great Plains of the United...

Fall Stockpiling and Pasture Housekeeping Tips

Here's what Victor has been doing to get ready for his extended grazing season. It's been a little different this year thanks to all the moisture he's gotten. Whether its been dry or wet where you are, he's got useful ideas.

More for Less in Pasture

A nine-year study shows that multi-species pastures provide 31% more forage than a two-species mixture. And since the multi-species mix also improves soil health, those pastures are more drought tolerant too.

How Do I Handle My Hay Fields and Pastures in Severe Drought?

First we need to clarify what sort of perennial forage stand we are managing.  The answer will be different for pure or very dominant...

Grazing Crested Wheatgrass in the West

Crested wheatgrass is a Russian native that was purposely introduced to rangelands in the American West as a forage and an erosion control tool...

What Two Grasses Tell Us About Grazing Management

How is grass productivity above and below ground affected by grazing at different heights or by leaving different residuals after grazing? A study at...

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