Saturday, May 18, 2024

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Portable Panels for Inexpensive Livestock Handling

Sandy Miller is one of the most forward thinking people I know.  She's always coming up with ways to do things better, more easily, and to benefit everyone in her community.  Here, she shares her farm hack for using portable panels to create inexpensive handling facilities for her livestock. We bet you have some pretty good farm hacks as well.  How about sharing them with your fellow On Pasture readers in the comments section below?

Should GMO Foods Be Labeled?

Here's an interesting look at an aspect of GMO foods and their labeling from a whole new perspective: the potential impact on the circle of life.

Good Stockmanship Makes All The Difference

This is the final excerpt in this series. Authors Whit Hibbard and Dr. Lynn Locatelli conclude that investing in training for anyone handling and moving livestock is cheaper and more effective in the long run than trying to create and install expensive handling equipment that doesn't necessarily do the job.

Tubs Vs. BudBoxes: BudBoxes Win!

You don't need to spend your hard earned cash on fancy facilities. Here Whit Hibbard and Dr. Lynn Locatelli continue their analysis highlighting why inexpensive, easy to use BudBoxes make more sense than high dollar facilities.

I brought my canvas tote to the market. Who cares?

Here's a sentence I never thought possible: There's an interesting book out about the relationship between climate change, economics and policy.  It's  But Will...

Ditch Those Curved Facilities and Tubs – They Don’t Make Livestock Handling Easier

Dr. Temple Grandin designed livestock handling facilities with curves and solid sided tubs to keep livestock moving forward without fear. But analysis by Whit Hibbard and Dr. Lynn Locatelli shows that livestock don't respond well in these facilities. Here's Part 3 of their analysis.

Will Temple Grandin’s Handling Facilities Work for You?

Do you think you need a new cattle handling facility? Are you trying to figure out what will work best for you? Here’s an analysis of the Grandin system and how it matches animal behavior in action.

Principles and Criteria For Global Sustainable Beef Production

As the Global Roundtable on Sustainable Beef circulates its draft principles and criteria, folks are asking a lot of questions. The most important one might be whether in a world used to choosing sides and then fighting, can folks actually talk to each other to find mutually beneficial solutions? Check it out and see!

Are You Kidding?

Here's a Kickstarter project your On Pasture editors are interested in, so we thought we'd share it with you too.  "Are You Kidding" is...

Get Your Free 2014 Grazing Charts Now!

No matter when your grazing season starts, there's no time like now to download your 2014 version and start thinking about how you want to manage your pastures and paddocks this year.

Organizing Pasture Walks

One of our readers wrote in and asked for an article on how to plan a pasture walk. Thanks, Carol. We hope this helps you and all the other folks who want to learn from their fellow graziers.

How Science Works: Learning From Controversy Over a Study Linking GM Corn to Tumors in Rats

The whole topic of Genetically Modified Organisms is controversial, and this article doesn't discuss their use or banning their use. Instead, we want to look at this current controversy to help us understand how the scientific process works, why science done well is important to helping us make decisions, and how we can gather information to help us understand the difference between science properly done, and science poorly done.

Veal Part 5 – Getting It On the Plates

This is the fifth and final installment from Sandra on how to successfully and profitably raise veal. Here she'll give you formulas for pricing your product, finding your market and helping others understand the importance of buying and eating humanely raised, sustainable veal.

Small-farm “Egg-onomics”

Josh shares the facts and figures of raising pasture-raised, free-range, organic-fed hen eggs. It's math that can really help you understand your inputs and what you should be charging for that dozen of eggs you collect from your chickens.

Intensive Grazing – Putting it All Together, Or “Calling the Dance”

Dave Scott has been taking us through setting up an intensive grazing system that works, especially if you're working with irrigated pasture. He's already covered recovery periods and grazing periods, so now he takes us through stocking rates, adjusting for mother nature, and keeping track of where we've been.

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