Thursday, May 2, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2013

Creating Your Grazing Chart, Mapping Your Pastures

Financial advisor and television host, Suze Orman said it's impossible to map out a route to your destination if you don't know where you're...

No Money in Grazing Dirt

Here's how one farmer/agency staffer perseveres in spreading the gospel of grass.

Grazing Charts – Working on Your Farm Layout

Troy Bishopp, the Grass Whisperer, is taking us through the steps for being successful by using Grazing Charts. As you make the switch to...

Stress Less Weaning

Here's a tried and true method from Chip Hines that will save you time and money. It's low stress for the cattle AND YOU! (And just because he talks about cattle, doesn't mean the principles won't work for other livestock as well.)

Russian Knapweed Can Be A Tasty Forage

Though Russian knapweed is not safe in large quantities for horses, it can be part of a nutritious diet for your ruminant livestock.

Veal Part One – Time to change attitudes and misconceptions

This is the first in a series of posts regarding veal production for small-scale farms and why educated eaters dedicated to local foods and sustainable agriculture should be eating veal more than beef.

Multiflora Rose Makes a Great Alternative Forage!

Multiflora rose is one of our more beautiful "mistakes." It was originally introduced from Japan as rootstock for ornamental roses. In the 1930s the...

Uruguay Competes For Grass Fed Market

As I was doing research for the article on competition from imported grass-fed beef, I found a very interesting story being told about Uruguayan...

Farmer/Rancher Hallowe’en Costume Suggestions

If you don't know what to be this Hallowe'en, here's something you can make with items you have around the farm!

Farming Bugs to Feed to Livestock

An entrepreneur in Ohio is producing 225 pounds of clean, safe feed per day in a 3-foot by 5-foot space he calls "The Love Shack." See how black soldier fly larvae might be in your livestock's future. And don't miss the Barry White video we included!

Cow Farts and Burps – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Strange as it may seem, cattle producers, particularly dairy farmers, have been trying to reduce cow flatus and eructations (farts and burps) for decades...

Knowing Your Competition

A recent report on NPR noted that grass fed beef is becoming more and more popular. In fact, George Seimon, a founder of Organic Valley,...

Losing Without Warning

Full disclosure time: I'm from the east. The west operates on a scale that seems kind of foreign to me. Eastern sizes are in...

The Best 80 Seconds on Tillage. Ever.

We all complain about too many commercials. Commercials about soil quality, though...who knew? Learn about afflictions related to tillage and how you can solve...

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