Friday, July 26, 2024

legumes - search results

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It’s Time to Start Thinking About Frost-Seeding Legumes

Frost seeding is one of the least expensive ways to enhance the stand of legumes in your pastures. It is basically the process of...

Cover Crop Legumes That Are Great Forage

This study may not have turned out as planned, but it did provide some great information about just how useful some pea and hairy vetch varieties are for providing forage for spring grazing.

Greg Judy IDs Grasses and Legumes in His Pastures

Folks like to know what I grow in my pastures - and it's what's in a lot of your pastures too. So here's a...

Why Do We Want Legumes in Our Pastures?

If you're reducing inputs so you can maintain profitability, keeping a healthy population of legumes in your pasture can help.

Stockpiling is Good For Encouraging Legumes in Your Pastures

Stockpiling pastures for winter grazing is a great way to allow legumes to naturally reseed in your pastures. Most of the commonly used legumes...

Researcher Looking to the Future of Legumes and Nitrogen-Fixing

Nitrogen fertilizer costs are going up, and will continue to rise. Dr. Judy Grossman of North Carolina State University is concerned about the impact...

Legumes and Soil Mycorrhizae

We all appreciate legumes and their marvelous ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and release it into the soil. But what happens after the legume...

Heading Back to Pasture – Tips from Victor Shelton

Your timing for heading back to pasture is different depending on where you live. In Oregon, John Marble already has "run-away" grass and is...

A Primer on Carbon Sequestration

There's a lot of information out there right now about soil carbon sequestration and what farmers and ranchers can do to sequester more carbon...

Forage Quality is Declining and Grasshoppers and Livestock Aren’t Happy

Something strange is happening to grasshoppers at the Konza Long-Term Ecological Research site in Kansas - they're disappearing a little at a time. For...

Is Multi-species Grazing Right for You? Part 3

While the sheep and goat market has backed off its incredible highs seen this winter, it still is really strong with animals commanding prices...

High Density Grazing for Spotted Knapweed Suppression

Spraying herbicides wasn't doing the job of reducing spotted knapweed and was just reducing legumes and other forbs in pasture. So Jim decided to work with his cattle to take care of the problem and create healthier pastures. The results were tremendous!

Adapting to Drought – Lessons and Alternative Forage That Lead to Success

In 2012 my wife and I, and our two young daughters, embarked on a new and exciting side venture in the cattle industry with...

A Shepherd’s Journey – The Beginning

Let me introduce myself. I am Jeremia Markway, a rancher from central Missouri. I know… when most people think of ranching, they think of vast...

Starting the Grazing Season with the Price of Hay and Fertilizer in Mind

On Pasture reader Richard Moyer wrote me in March about the interesting times we live in and what they might mean for the 2022...

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