Tuesday, July 16, 2024

electric fence - search results

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Fencing Costs and Effectiveness for Unusual Challenges

Ok - so you don't have kangaroo or elk problems. Read this anyway. You'll find some excellent examples of how folks fence to solve...

Solar Grazing: A New Income Stream for Livestock Producers

Utility-scale solar arrays may cover 3 million acres across the US by 2030, according to the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL). This is causing...

Here’s the Impact of Fencing and Planning on Grazing Days and Profitability

In November I shared thoughts on the economic importance of stockpiling grass. In that article, I made the case for building internal fence on...

Making a Go of It – This is How We Do It

There seems to be a real interest of late in the opportunities for young people to get started in livestock agriculture. The question that...

Get the Fencing and Watering System That’s Right for You

I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to understand grazier's problems and then provides solutions that make sense. That's why I'm really pleased...

Ranching By Number

  On more than one occasion I have made disparaging comments about the tendency of our ranching industry to waste time gathering data. We keep...

What Happens If We Don’t Kill Predators?

Thanks to Randy Comeleo, Program Advisor for the Agriculture and Wildlife Protection Program, Benton County, Oregon, for helping with this article. Last week's article, "Coyotes...

1-Strand Sheep Fencing – How We Made It Work For Our Operation

When we bought our first flock of sheep 16 years ago we had 12 leased farms and were being overrun with sprouts and weeds....

Working On Healthy Soils and Productive Agriculture in Ethiopia

In early June I got an email from Dr. Ray Weil. You may know Ray as the author of The Nature and Properties of...

Best of OP – Managing Multi-Species Grazing

On old MacDonald’s Farm, there were all types of animals—here a moo, there an oink and over there a cluck, cluck—but managing multiple species...

Multi-species Grazing Management Part 1 – Saddle Horses Are Jerks

First off, let me assure you I do not hate horses. In fact, this article is not really about horses at all. It is...

Managing for Margins Makes the Difference Every Time

With six decades of farming experience, Don Ashford has a lot of data to draw on. Here's a lesson he's learned that can help all of us look at our farming operations and decide what we can control and how we want to farm or ranch.

Black is Only a Color

In a market that seems to tell us that we can only make money selling black cattle, Don Ashford has a different story to tell.

Everything You Need to Include in a Farm/Ranch Lease Contract – Part 1

Over the last few months, my Boneheaded Beef Business Blunders articles have related how I’ve been burned by ineffective land lease and custom grazing...

The Idea of a Stockshare – Managing Together for Better Pastures and Better Profits

This is the third in a series of articles looking at how ranchers in Texas might work together to manage a landscape as a...

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