Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Guardian Dog Success in West Texas on Large Landscapes

Can guardian dogs make a difference against coyotes and other predators, even when both the livestock owner and the dogs are inexperienced? Steve Bryns, Texas A&M AgriLife News editor shares what researchers found, along with resources you can use to get started with dogs.

The Importance of Tail Docking Lambs

Ever had a rotten tooth pulled? I have, and it smarts a bit. But would I rather that tooth was still there, or that...

Your Role In A Better Tenant Landlord Relationship

We have had very good results with keeping long land leases by focusing on keeping good landlord relationships. This article is going to review...

Pasture Rental Rates by County in the United States

"Pasture lease rates" is one of the searches we see most often at On Pasture. We've published a lot of articles on how to...

Autumn Olive Recipes

This week Greg Judy tells us all about Autumn Olive management and how he's learned to use it as a tool for improving the...

Autumn Olive – Friend or Foe?

Here's how Greg Judy manages Autumn Olive in his pastures to take advantage of it for nitrogen fixation and soil building as well as forage. Check the map in the article to see if it's in your area, and if not, consider these techniques for managing other brushy species.

Set Up For Year Long Grazing in the Spring – In Spite of Mud Season

Greg Judy has great tips for getting through mud season so that your cattle are well-fed and your pastures are healthy and ready for the summer.

Want Good Soil? Feed the Microbes

In June of 2014, Grist reporter Nathanael Johnson reported on a battle between two men in New South Wales Australia. Clive Kirkby and John...

My First Wonderful Lease – Part 1

In his book "No Risk Ranching" Greg Judy describes how he went from liquidating his cow herd and almost losing the family farm, to...

A Walk in the Rain Tells You A Lot About Your Pasture’s Health

Is your soil and forage healthy and absorbing rain and moisture? Grab your raincoat and talk a walk with Victor Shelton to see what your pasture tells you.

Frosty the Snowman: Friend or Foe

Is winter good or bad for farmers and ranchers?

Weathering the Storm – Inventory Where You Are (Part 1)

Knowing what resources your operation has and the condition those resources are in is the first step toward figuring out how to make it through tough times.

Planning to Weather the Economic Storm

This article comes to us courtesy of iGrow.org. What a difference three years can make, in 2013 cattle and crop prices were climbing to record...

Is Swath Grazing for You?

You may not be swath grazing this year, but as you feed your livestock this winter, consider if this is something to try next year.

BMR: How a Gene Mutation Became a Breakthrough in Digestibility

Over the course of the past decade, Brown Midrib, or BMR forages have become widely familiar as the elite of summer annual forages. The...

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