Improved forage crabgrass varieties are not weeds, but high-quality, high-producing forages that fit well from the Mid-Atlantic region through the Southeast. With good fertility...
Knowing your forage can help you better manage it. Here's some background on how grasses grow, photoshythesize and store energy - all important things if they're going to grow and feed livestock!
Let's talk Italian Ryegrass. Why? It's a great forage, and it has all kinds of uses in cropping and pastures. If you're not already considering it, we hope this series will give you some food for thought.
This year many farmers are wondering why barnyardgrass is present in unusual abundance in their hay fields and pastures. This annual warm-season grass weed...
Contributor Troy Bishopp has been tracking how his spring grazing has gone so far so that you can see his adaptive grazing management in progress and how he uses his grazing chart to best advantage. Troy is a great photographer, and pictures are worth a thousand words, so this story has lots of them. Click on them when you'd like to see them larger and enjoy!