Tuesday, July 16, 2024

bale grazing - search results

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Unrolling Hay for Feed and Pasture Fertility

Here's Greg Judy, up at the crack of dawn to show us how he unrolls hay for feed and for pasture fertility. He's strip grazing...

Winter Electric Fence Solutions

The use of Electric Fence in the winter is fast becoming a solution for controlling livestock. Some use it for winter grazing practices, some...

Training Cattle to Follow Part 2: Working With Short Term Cattle

Teaching cattle to come to call is pretty easy. It takes time and patience, but it is not all that hard. Here’s the problem:...

Training Cattle to Follow – Part 1

Several readers have asked for instruction in teaching cattle to follow. John Marble has written a two-part article on the subject. Part one begins...

Bamboo as a Season Extending Forage Is Showing Promise

Cairncrest Farm in West Winfield, New York is experimenting with Bamboo as a forage for grazing when deep snow makes it difficult for livestock to get to stockpiled pasture forage. Brothers Edmund and Garth Brown started with a lot of reading, testing different varieties over a number of years for their resilience, nutrition analysis and more. Here's the latest installment in their ongoing on-farm research project.

Runaway Grass – What Can You Do?

If you're looking out at pastures that are growing so fast you don't know how to keep up, here are some tips for managing your grazing so that you slow the speed that forage matures, and you maintain quality forage.

Post-Fire Management on Eastern Colorado Rangelands

Some areas of the country have already seen range fires. With a hot summer on the way, here's what successful post-fire management looks like.

I’m Sorry I Missed Your Drought Party

The 2012 drought hit Troy Bishopp hard. So when 2016 rolled around showing all the same signs, he got to work on his drought plan. Here's what he did that made him miss the drought party of 2016.

Nitrate Awareness: Is Your Herd Safe?

I just got the forage test results back from the lab and the nitrate score was 3,000. Am I in trouble? Every year I get...

How We Transitioned to Be A Grain Free Dairy

We here at Butterworks Farm have long been interested in no grain dairy farming. For the past forty years we have been grain growers...

Should We Mow/Clip Pastures? It Depends.

We talked about clipping pastures in June. I’m still getting questions and comments by email about it; all good. There certainly are two sides...

Diverse Yet Smart Cover Crop and Forage Mixes: 4 Rules for Perfect Pairings

When you make a mix or interseed one crop in another for a “relay effect”, you’re looking for the most bang for your diversity...

How the Sand Ranch Got Its Groove Back

In just a four short years, the Sands went from $20,000 in carryover farm debt to owing nothing. The added bonus? They had more time to spend with family AND they started having fun again. This is the first in a series about the changes they made and what they learned along the way. We hope it inspires you!

Getting Stuff for (Almost) Free With Non-Traditional Farm Business Ideas

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different, better result is the definition of insanity, right? That's why, in looking at ways to get started farming and help current producers be more profitable, Meg started thinking outside the box. Here are some non-traditional solutions you'll really like!

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Move the Cows?

When Jay and Krista Reiser couldn't find the answers they needed about the possibilities of mob grazing on large landscapes like their 2700 North...

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