Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Getting Stuff for (Almost) Free With Non-Traditional Farm Business Ideas – Part 2

Here's Part 2 of Meg's series on non-traditional ways to make a farming/ranching operation successful. Today, she's talking about (almost) free land.

Don’t Let “Spring Fever” Hurt Your Forages

"Spring Fever" is the disease many of us get this time of year. Symptoms include wanting to get your livestock out on green grass as quickly as possible and when the disease isn't controlled, we might hit our pastures too soon. Here's some advice that will make sure you keep your forages healthy through Spring.

The Most Important Grazing Management Strategy to Date

Have you ever considered how important it could be to just LINGER in your pastures a little longer? It can help you learn what to do, and give you time with your friends and family too!

Strategic Grazing Plans – The Steps to Meet Your Goals

You're a lot more likely to make better and more timely grazing decisions if you have a grazing plan in place for the upcoming season. Here's how to get started.

Mob-Grazing on Large Landscapes – What You Might Expect

Jay and Krista Reiser were considering taking over a 2700 acre North Dakota ranch they knew they were facing some problems. First, their financial...

How to Manage Pastures When Winter Isn’t Wintry

It's been a pretty mild winter for most of the U.S. and Canada. With that in mind, here are two perspectives on what's up with your pastures, and the management implications.

Living With Endophyte Infected Tall Fescue

Here's a coordinated approach to turn your fescue "scourge" into cost-effective, productive pastures.

Pre-Winter Feed Inventory and Tips for Grazing the Last of Your Cover Crops

Back in October we talked about taking an inventory of your pastures, hay, and other feed stuff and weighing that against what your ruminant...

Winter Feed Math

Do you have enough forage for the winter? Here's help so you can be sure. Victor includes info on grazing corn stalks PLUS, which forages become toxic after the first frost. Be sure to know what to beware of!

Untoward Acceleration

Sometimes, even when you're doing your best, things go awry. Here's an example of that from the Grass Whisperer, along with some great lessons we can all learn.

Procrastinated Pasture

Sometimes a pasture just gets away from you. That's what happened to Victor this summer. But it's all good, and he'll tell you why!

A Pragmatic View of Clipping Pastures

Should you mow your pastures? Maybe, maybe not. Troy Bishopp struggles with the idea and shares his reasons for this year's clipping.

Reseeding Pastures? Here’s What You Need to Know Now

Early August to mid-September is an excellent time to plant cool-season grasses. One of the advantages of seeding this time of the year as...


Troy has some great ideas and experience dealing with pesky knapweed. By the end of the article you might be thinking of it as an excellent forage too!

How Not to Fail in Business

It is a fact that 8 out of 10 of the small business start-ups fail within 5 years. Why do you suppose this is...

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