Wednesday, July 17, 2024

grazing planning - search results

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Grazing Around Streams – More Ways To Do The Right Thing

We can graze around streams and avoid government regulations if we choose to do the right thing. Troy Bishopp is busy collecting examples and sharing them with On Pasture so our community can be a good example to all graziers.

Schooley Ranch Conservation Planning Makes for the Cleanest Water in South Dakota

Last week Troy Bishopp wrote about some of his frustrations with riparian grazing management, wondering, "Can We Just Do The Right Thing?" Well, here's...

Riparian Grazing: Can We Just Do The Right Thing?

With growing concerns over riparian management and its effect on water quality, farmers and ranchers are facing tightening regulations and restrictions on grazing next...

Dairies Share Successes With Extending the Grazing Season

This fall we held two pasture walks to explore what strategies two different dairies use to graze late into fall months. These events were...

The 2018 Free Grazing Charts Are Here – Dust Off Your Grazing Plan and Create Personal Resiliency

As winter wanes and the longer day-length activates the neurons that control the body's daily rhythms, a grazier’s mind can wander into a pastoral...

Lessons Learned From a Year of Grazing Management

This is a good time of year for reflecting on what went well and what you might like to do differently next year. Though...

What’s the Right Price for Prescribed Grazing? Ask the Market

Recently, On Pasture ran an excellent article by Dave Pratt aimed at helping graziers apply the right price tag to commercial prescribed grazing services....

Shoulder Season Grazing Strategies

Use what you've got now to extend your grazing a little longer this season.

Results-Oriented Grazing for Ecological Resiliency

Government agencies are relying on ranchers' expertise to help guide federal management of plants and wildlife. In turn, ranchers are seeking flexibility in their federal livestock grazing permits. Together they're working towards healthy sage rangelands and economically viable livestock operations.

When Can You Start Grazing A New Planting?

Here's a response from Genevieve at Kings Agriseeds for a reader who asked: "When can you start grazing a new planting? What if it’s...

Start Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing

Tall fescue is great for stockpiling. Here's how much you need to lengthen your grazing season, along with tips on managing grazing now to get the most out of your winter pastures.

Planning For, and Managing Through Drought

Some readers are in the middle of a severe drought, and it comes for all of us at some point. Having a plan for how to respond and manage through it can help you survive, and even thrive.

Rotational Grazing on a Large Scale: Duval County Ranch in Texas

My name is David Kitner, and I am the manager of Killam Ranch Properties, Ltd. I manage several ranches from South Texas to the...

Wait! Grazing Too Early Is Harmful to Your Pasture’s Health

You and your livestock might be itching to start grazing. Victor Shelton tells us why it's not a good idea to start too early, and what you can do in the meantime to scratch that itch without causing problems for yourself.

More Farmers Are Winter Grazing

This story comes to us from Civil Eats, a daily news source for critical thought about the American food system. In working on this...

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