Wednesday, July 17, 2024

grazing planning - search results

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Planning for a Stocker Operation – Homework To Do If You’re Considering This Option

Blake Allen follows up on his first article about switching to and running a stocker operation, going into more detail about considerations for folks...

How a Blue Ridge Farmer Set Up His Rotational Grazing System

John Fant, Colonel, US Army (Ret), returned to southwest Virginia in 2013 to resume daily operations and management of the family farm. In this...

The Key to This Ranch’s Successful Grazing Strategy? People!

When we talk about grazing management, we usually think about how to manage livestock, and we think of forage and the soil below it....

What’s the Key to Grazing Success? Rest!

We first ran this article in September of 2017. As I reviewed it before sharing it again this week, I was struck by how...

Reduce Your Feed Costs This Winter With These Tips for Extending Your Grazing Season

Winter feeding accounts for 40+% of the cost of producing a calf, so reducing or eliminating this bad habit can help keep your ranch...

Best of OP – Managing Multi-Species Grazing

On old MacDonald’s Farm, there were all types of animals—here a moo, there an oink and over there a cluck, cluck—but managing multiple species...

Twelve Steps to Amazing Grazing – Part 2

This is Part 2 by Matt Poore and Johnny Rogers. Here's Part 1 if you missed it. These steps aren't just 1-2-3 and you're done....

Grazing Principles to Start Your Season Off Right

This 4:53 video from Ranchlands is a great example of how the principles of grass and livestock management are the same, no matter your...

A Farmer Walks Into a Print Shop….The True Story Behind the Free Grazing Charts

"A farmer walks into a print shop" could be the beginning of a funny joke. The joke, however, is mostly on you, as many...

Get Your FREE 2019 Grazing Chart and Get Your Grazing Season Off On the Right Foot

You've heard this Chinese proverb, right? It's the same with getting started planning your grazing. If you haven't already started using a chart or some...

Can Cover Crops and Rotational Grazing Extend Your Grazing Season?

Thanks to the UDSA Natural Resources Conservation Service for sharing this story and the photos with us! Jared Namken is an Angus man. Red Angus,...

Can You Be a Grazing Soothsayer?

Back in 2014/15, Troy Bishopp took us all along on his journey to extend his grazing season. He showed the good and the bad and all the planning that went with getting to 257 grazeable days on his New York state farm. This year he's trying something different - and he's going to show us all how it goes as he does it. Check this out!

So, Which Is It – Drought Planning or Weed Management?

John Marble plans for drought every year and some years, like this one, he has to implement that plan. Now, he's seeing some real changes in the weed component of his pastures, making him wonder - is he managing for drought or to get rid of weeds?

Making the Switch to Grazing – With a Little Help From Your Friends

This is the story of a dairy farmer's transition to pasture. It's an excellent example how long it takes, and the challenges along the way. It's also a great example for all graziers, no matter your livestock, of how helpful it can be to work with an Extension Agent, or someone from a local Natural Resource Conservation Service or Conservation District office. We should all be so lucky to have free help at our fingertips!

It’s Time To Start Thinking About Stockpiling to Extend Your Grazing Season

In this 5:00 video two On Pasture authors, Troy Bishopp and John Suscovich, talk about how it is that on December 8, they're standing...

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