Wednesday, July 17, 2024

grazing planning - search results

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How I Adapted My Grazing When the Weather Made Things Tough

When the weather gave Don and Betty Ashford lemons, they worked with what they had to extend a tough grazing season anyway, which is a lot better than lemonade! Don shares this story as an example of how you can do things differently, and hopes that you'll share your stories too!

Setting Up Fences and Water for Dairy Grazing – With a Little Help From Some Grants

In December we introduced you to Jonathan and Maryann Connor, owners of Providence Dairy in Addison, Vermont who are making the move to pasture-based...

The New Grazing Charts Are Here :-)The New Grazing Charts Are Here!

It's the most wonderful time of the year - Troy sends out his grazing charts so we can prepare for the upcoming grazing season!

Dairy Grazing Apprenticeships Are Great for Beginning and Established Farmers

For centuries, skilled trades have used apprenticeships to train the next generation and ensure that everyone meets standards that are good for the trade...

NRCS Helps New Iowa Farmer Develop His Grazing System

When Iowa livestock producer Ryan Collins bought his 170-acre farm near Harpers Ferry, he knew from experience with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)...

The Grazing Stick: Tool or Toy?

Do you want to quickly figure out how much forage you have and how many animals can graze for how long? Get out that grazing stick and follow these instructions and you'll have the answer in no time! PLUS there's a link to grazing stick sources if you don't have one already.

Strategic Grazing Plans – The Steps to Meet Your Goals

You're a lot more likely to make better and more timely grazing decisions if you have a grazing plan in place for the upcoming season. Here's how to get started.

Tips For A Drought-Ready Grazing Playbook

Even if you're not a football fan, you've probably heard that the Super Bowl is coming. Just like teams write playbooks to boost their chances of success, we can build a grazing playbook to help us deal successfully with the things that Mother Nature throws at us.

What’s It Like To Have a Grazing Mentor?

Editors Note: Last week we shared the first in this three part series on how the Maryland Grazers Network is helping farmers acquire the...

Lessons Learned From a NY Farmer Heading to Year Round Grazing

Is year-round grazing possible in the rugged hill country of Steuben County? John Burns thinks so and is putting a lot of planning and...

When Planning for the Summer Slump, Consider Pearl Millet

While it's too late for this grazing season, you might want to start thinking about this forage for your summer slump next year.

What is a Grazing Wedge and What Do You Do With It?

With regular pasture inventories and the Grazing Wedge you don't have to guess about how much forage you have coming up in your rotation. Here's how to use this tool to become a more proactive manager.

Managed Cattle Grazing Can Save Trout

The Lahontan Basin is an exceptional landscape that spans three western states: California, Oregon, and Nevada. Part of the Great Basin, this semi-arid region...

Take Stock of Your Pastures Now to Adjust Your Grazing Plan

Using his own pastures as an example, Victor shows how checking what's growing (or not) helps plan for the upcoming grazing season based on the needs of the forage.

The New Grazing Charts Are Here!

Yes! It's our favorite time of year when Troy shares the new, blank grazing charts so that we can all get started planning for the green up. And this time, he's sharing a little about why he does what he does as well.

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