Tuesday, July 16, 2024

grazing planning - search results

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Planning Crop Rotations for Dairy, Livestock and Cash Crop Farms

Got Winter? Take advantage of these "quiet" months to design your cropping plans. That way you can avoid the domino effect of mistimed applications or harvests, because you'll know just what to do when as the weather starts to warm up. It may seem complicated, but Kitty helps you start the journey with one step at a time.

Winter Stockpile Grazing’s Final Chapter (Or Is It?)

Troy has finished with his stockpile grazing for this season. Here he shares how many days he made it, and talks about lessons learned and the questions he's asking to help him prepare for next year.

What You Need to Know to Get the Best Regrowth After Grazing

As you read through this, you might think "DANG! This is really complex!" And you're right it is! But that doesn't mean you can't figure it out. Think of it as one of those strategy games where you're trying to maximize your points in the face of lots of variables. If you're not good at those kinds of games, we bet you know someone who is. Just see it for the game it is, and go out and WIN!

Managing Multi-Species Grazing

Here's a great overview of how to add different species of grazers to your operation.  Sandy covers the basics of forage, fencing, shelter, handling equipment, and water, with some great tips on inexpensive solutions, and making sure you don't get in over your head. Enjoy!  And if you have some tips of your own, send us a note and we'll add them to the comments section below.

Stockpile Grazing Progress Report 3 – Grazing Through Snow

Editors Note: Troy Bishopp is sharing his progress this winter as he custom grazes dairy heifers on stockpiled pasture. If you've missed the first two...

Grazing: Is it Art or Is It Science?

True grazing artists understand that when things aren't going as planned, or Mother Nature gives you a surprise, you don't give up on science. You just remix your paint.

Stockpile Grazing Progress Report 1

Editors Note:  Troy Bishopp custom grazes organic dairy heifers.  He is letting us all follow along this fall and winter as they graze stockpiled feed....

Grazing Stockpiled Forage Winter Pasture Walk

Are you tired of feeding hay all winter?  Want to save money and let your herd feed themselves? Join Us at The Bishopp Family Farm...

The Grass Whisperer’s 2013 Grazing Season

Editors Note:  Troy Bishopp has been sharing a lot of articles with On Pasture readers on the usefulness of Grazing Charts for ensuring a...

Start Your Grazing Season Off With Kindness

Being kind to your spring pastures will make all the difference this summer. Troy Bishopp describes starting times and shares the Pasture T Account for figuring pasture production and animal demand, all to help you avoid springtime wrecks.

Stockpiling Tall Fescue – Start Planning Now Because You’ll Need to Be Ready in July

Spring has barely arrived, and some of you may not even have moved your animals to pasture. So why are we talking about stockpiling? Because as you're putting your grazing plan together, knowing what you have to do to extend your grazing season will help you make sure you get there.

Planning Summer Pasture

Winter is a good time to think about where you want to go this coming grazing season. Here's a short video that might give you some new ideas about diversifying pasture mixes AND your operation.

Your Grazing Chart – Figuring Animal Needs

Today, we're headed to a presentation by Troy, the Grass Whisperer, Bishopp to check out how easy it can be to figure our animal needs so we can create a Planned Grazing Chart that works for us.

Creating Your Grazing Chart, Mapping Your Pastures

Financial advisor and television host, Suze Orman said it's impossible to map out a route to your destination if you don't know where you're...

So Ya Got a Blank Grazing Chart. Now What?

Troy Bishopp has been working on making grazing planning easier for himself and his fellow farmers for quite awhile now. He's found that grazing charts make it possible for him to successfully plan for his forage, livestock, finances, and a most importantly, a personal life with his wife, family and friends. This is the first in a series to help you get started using grazing charts to make your life better too!

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