Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Winter Strip Grazing – Determining Strip Size

We reconfigured our farm’s permanent, hi-tensile fence to better allow the use of portable fencing. Portable fencing allows flexibility, and flexibility allows the management...

Utilizing Summer Annuals in Your Grazing System

Thanks go to Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator, and University of Nebraska-Lincoln's BeefWatch team for this article.   Whether grazed, harvested for hay, or cut for...

Harnessing Cow Power to Rejuvenate Forages

Thanks to the Beef Cattle Research Council for this great article! As forage stands age, plant species composition shifts and production declines over time. There...

Adding Sheep to a Cattle Operation – Part 2

For the past few weeks we’ve been sharing articles from folks at the American Solar Grazing Association about the business of using sheep to...

Grazing for Soil Health

Thanks to the folks with NRCS's "Unlock the Secrets of Soil Health" for their part in developing this article. The abandoned cotton farm Terry and...

Here’s What You Should Be Thinking About Now To Have a Great Grazing Season

It’s the first of June. Generally, by the first of June, most cool-season forages have peaked their growth and quite often have reached about...

There Are Many Ways to Solar Graze

Our last article offered a definition of solar grazing and a basic outline of what’s involved. Now we’ll cover a little more detail about...

Is the Expense Justified? Part 2 of Fencing Costs and Effectiveness for Unusual Challenges

Last week Jim described the benefits of fencing out kangaroos and elk and shared costs and effectiveness for different kinds of fencing. This week,...

Solar Grazing: A New Income Stream for Livestock Producers

Utility-scale solar arrays may cover 3 million acres across the US by 2030, according to the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL). This is causing...

How to Time Your Grazing to Improve Plant Yield and Quality

As our livestock head out to pasture, we're all thinking about how to time our grazing to get the most out of our pastures....

Managing for Resilience Begins to Pay Off

I am a fairly young man seeing things I never thought we would. In the midst of a global pandemic we’ve all been shaken...

How Should Livestock Farmers and Horse Owners 
 Prepare for Farm Disruptions from the COVID-19 Outbreak?

This article comes to us from Jim Weber, DVM, PhD, Associate Professor of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Attending Veterinarian, University of Maine. I searched...

Your FREE Grazing Chart Is Here – Along With All the How-To-Use-It Info You Need

Do you want more quality grazing days? Are you ready to make more money? Are you dealing with weather events proactively? Do you want to limit stress...

How to Choose a Grass Variety That Works for You

They say variety is the spice of life. That's true, even when it comes to varieties of different forage grasses. Often, when we want...

Never-Fail Rules for Grazing

Shortly after I joined the NRCS about twelve years ago, a retired NRCS Grazing Specialist by the name of Steve Hibinger was assigned to...

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