Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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John Marble’s Articles

John Marble owns a small grazing and marketing operation that focuses on producing value through managed grazing. He manages cattle and goats, grasslands, timber...

Only the Learners Survive – Thoughts on How to Be One of Them

This is a quote from Eric Hoffer who was known as the longshoreman philosopher. Mr. Hoffer has been dead since 1983 but these words...

How the Wahl Family Manages for Healthier, More Productive Animals and a Better Bottom Line

This is the first in a series about the grazing management changes the Wahl family has made and how it has improved soil health...

What Makes Grass Grow Back Fastest – Trampling, Clipping or Cow Spit?

Troy started this piece, Kathy Voth added some, and Jim Gerrish shared his observations. And with all that, we're still not sure we have...

Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk: Our 2018 Ranch Walk-About

A lot of folks talk about how non-farmers need to understand where their food comes from and what farming and ranching is all about. Here's how John Marble is actually doing something about it.

A “Keep-It-Simple” Method for Getting Minerals to Your Herd

I recently sat in on a roundtable discussion about using mineral supplements on ranches that are practicing managed grazing. It turned out that even...

Winter Stockpiled Fescue Trumps Hay Every Time – Part 4 – Why I’m Keeping My KY 31

Should we get rid of KY 31 endophyte-infected tall fescue? Greg Judy has said "No" throughout this 4 part series. Here's his final argument,...

Winter Stockpiled Fescue Trumps Hay Every Time – Part 1

Some folks say we should do all we can to get rid of Kentucky 31 fescue in our pastures. But Greg Judy has other ideas. In this four part series he covers his experiences, good and bad, with this grass, and why he's keeping his. He starts with the basic benefits of winter stockpile.

Training Cattle to Follow Part 2: Working With Short Term Cattle

Teaching cattle to come to call is pretty easy. It takes time and patience, but it is not all that hard. Here’s the problem:...

Dairy Cows Head to Pasture for the First Time on Providence Farm

Vermont's Providence Dairy is transitioning from a tie-stall barn to pasture-based dairying. Here are some of the challenges the Connors faced this first spring and how they've solved them.

Your Role In A Better Tenant Landlord Relationship

We have had very good results with keeping long land leases by focusing on keeping good landlord relationships. This article is going to review...

Autumn Olive – Friend or Foe?

Here's how Greg Judy manages Autumn Olive in his pastures to take advantage of it for nitrogen fixation and soil building as well as forage. Check the map in the article to see if it's in your area, and if not, consider these techniques for managing other brushy species.

Spring Management After Mud Season

Last week Greg Judy talked about getting through mud season. This week he describes his management for the rest of the spring that sets him up for year-round grazing.

Grass Tetany Prevention and Cures

Lush green grass can spell trouble for your livestock. Here's what to beware of and how to keep them safe.

My First Wonderful Lease Part 2

In his book "No Risk Ranching" Greg Judy describes how he went from liquidating his cow herd and almost losing the family farm, to...

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